Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Merry Christmas to those of you in the "Dark Hallway"...I always wondered where those guys at the mall came from...

Via: VideoSift

1 comment:

Matthew English said...

I always wondered where those guys at the mall came from...
Merry Christmas to all the anonymous night dwellers out there...

You know who you are "the 2 (or 3) K's, as the case may be Eric, miss you badly wish you were comming for the holiday, greetings as well to Jodi, Ryan, Darcy, Jordan and the rest of the grave crew, not to mention the cheese..."Without Cheese there is nothing". Check in regularly, as a possible cure for midnight boredom, I will try and keep some amusing things popping up. If you run into something amusing during your midnight surfing, send it over. (I enjoyed the Noooooooooooo clips that were sent, and they should probably pop up soon.

Believe it or not, I do miss working the graves...sometimes.