Thursday, December 7, 2006

Are you on the list?

I have decided once again to embrace my inner geek...

Is life just a blur of diet pepsi, final exams, and tivo? Most of the people that I know seem to be living paycheck to paycheck; while I, on the other hand, am living paper to paper and final to final these days. I tell myself that I can survive anything for 2 weeks, I am not sure if I believe it anymore...

Oh well, I hope my superpower turns out to be insomnia this week, at least then I could get all of this done.

In case your curious I may make this my superhero symbol. It is the molecular structure for caffeine.



Rae Rae said...

Matt is that you?
Are you Working graves again? Cause that's usually when your crazy ideas come. Just kidding. Glad to hear you are alive i was wondering for a while. Have you changed your mind about the Cammel? Just think, It would be perfect for your very own live nativity. you would be the envy of all your neighbors. Are you going to grade our comments? Tell the English teacher in you to JUST CHILL!!!!!! Lots of luck on finals. The blog idea is cool

english said...

hey! Caffeine Man.

glad I found your blog now.
...staying tuned