Friday, October 26, 2007

Chekhov, A Boring Story and a great class...

"No argument, no amusement or gave ever gave me such pleasure as lecturing. Only while lecturing could I give myself entirely to passion and understand that inspiration is not an invention of poets but exists in reality. And I imagine that Hercules, after the most piquant of his great deeds, did not feel such sweet exhaustion as I experienced each time after a lecture" (Anton Chekhov, A Boring Story (64-65)).

When class goes well, it is a singular experience of pleasure. Today was a good day in class.


T.R. said...

I wish I were there.

Also, I think I will take this opportunity to suggest King Hippo as your Halloween costume this year.

T.R. said...

on second thought, a king hippo costume would be very difficult to walk around in, much less box in. Just ask my friend who went as a sumo.

Earlier you asked what blogs to lurk on. This one certainly isn't for all tastes, but I like it: